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Who am i

I'm a recent graduate from the University of Utah with a Games B.S. degree through the Entertainment Arts & Engineering [EAE] program with a minor in Multidisciplinary Design. #1 Game Design Program by Princeton Review. 

I have wanted to pursue Game Design ever since I played Pokémon Colosseum on the Game Cube with my dad. Video Games are different for everyone. To me, they are an interactive piece of art that anyone can be apart of. They set up an adventure that is different than real life, one you have more control over. Growing up being a reader has allowed me to live many lives, visit many places, and explore to my heart's content. Video games are just another outlet for this, but more immersive.


“My friend Kira always said that life is like an extremely difficult, horribly unbalanced videogame. When you’re born, you’re given a randomly generated character, with a randomly determined name, race, face, and social class. Your body is your avatar, and you spawn in a random geographic location, at a random moment in human history, surrounded by a random group of people, and then you have to try to survive for as long as you can.”
― Ernest Cline, Ready Player Two


Fun Facts
About me! 

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One fun fact about me is I document my life through photos. Whether that is from taking photos on my phone or my polaroid camera!


I find taking photos of my friends, important mild stones, and daily tasks allow me to reflect on the little moments that add up. I even have a polaroid  wall in my apartment of all of those moments!


I take so many photos that if I lose something I look at the photos to help me track an object. Have I found something this way? Absolutely! 

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You may look at these games and think wow she must love RPG's & action-adventure narrative driven games! If you did, you are 100% correct. I am a huge bookworm, so games that are driven by narrative and use it to enhance their mechanics are my favorite! 



When I am not studying and playing games I find myself seeking out projects! I am the type of person that needs to have something they are working on creatively at all times. This can be seen in multiple mediums such as woodwork, painting, creating games, or even building Legos! I love learning new skills and doing tasks that I have never attempted in the past. Experiences are everything.  

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