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Ghost in the Graveyard
Puzzle - Stealth


What did you do?

For this project, I contributed the following:

- 2D Mockups & Level Design


  •  Illustrated 2D diagrams to communicate my designs to our engineers.  

  •  I white-boxed all the hedges, objects, and hiding places we would have in our maze so that we could test our gameplay. 

  • Communicated with engineers regarding my design ideas for the maze and worked together on patrol points so that my designs best utilized the Ai created.

  • I worked with lighting and fog to achieve the correct mood/atmosphere for our horror/mystery game.

  • Worked with our 3D artist to create a house that would be large enough to use as a landmark for our player to view throughout the maze. 

  • I had direct involvement in placing the enemy Ai, hiding places, breakable boards, doors, ghosts, hedges, grass models, and the keys in Unreal 4. 

Development Time:

Sept. 9th - Dec 10th

6 Person Team:

"The Reapers"



~ At the start of the game, the player will get a spooky backstory regarding the maze they are within while also giving notes of ghosts and a lurking reaper. The beginning of the game is designed to teach the player the core mechanics so they can build upon them later on. 

  • Before the player gets a chance to explore, they must pass through a light stand that will change color when the player passes indicating a saved location. This in turn tells the player they have been to this location and will be transported here upon death.

  • The player will learn to press f to interact with objects such as the rotten logs due to the prompts that appear where the player must go to continue the game. Once they click "F" the player learns that they can hide in the logs. There aren't many objects to interact with hence a good indicator to the player that it is important.

  • The player will also come across the first ghost in the game in level #0. They will learn that they can interact with these ghosts and once they find and interact with them, they will give them something to help on their quest as well as be informed that the ghosts also need an item they lost to move on to the next life. The task of finding the item will be on the player. If the item is found and brought back to the ghost, they will grant the player a key to the house that will bring them to the other side. 

  • The player will also come across a hallway of traps. They must cross the hallway to continue the game, teaching them to jump around them and notifying the player if they fall into it, they are stuck and have to mash the "F" button to get out. This indicates to the player that this will not kill them, but instead slow them down and that they must be wary to jump over them.

 {Learn the basics of the game. Hiding in logs, Finding Ghosts and their items to set themselves free, all while avoiding traps along the way}


After learning the important skills needed to play the game the player will get additional information when they come across an open area that has two paths. The left side can be shown boarded-up while the other remains open.


  • Immediately after getting close to the paths, the player will hear the reapers call and see the banging and breaking of the board that blocked the left pathway. This will in turn force the player to take a right and go into another area where they are able to hide in a log while also learning that the reaper can break the boards for the player. 

  • The player will then learn there are multiple ways they can go and even more if they can get the reaper to break the boards for them. They can either lure the reaper on the other side to break the boards, set off traps, and/or set off the exploding lanterns near the boards they wanted to be broken and make a run to hide. 

  • Once the player has found the door that has a similar theme (Fire) as the ghost they will be able to use the item that the ghost handed them upon finding them they will be able to open the door and move on. Behind this door will be the item the ghost needs to move on to the next life just as the ghost indicates in their backstory. Upon bringing this item back to the ghost and setting them free they will give you 1/3 of the keys to the house that will allow you to move on and win the game. 

~ This level will take all the previous things the player has learned and make them more difficult by hiding more traps in shadows to slow down the player as well as having fewer open spaces to spot the reaper. Finding the ghost also increases in difficulty.

  • The player must find 2nd ghost.

  • The player must find the door in the maze associated with the 2nd ghost.

  • The player must use the item ghost gave them to open the door and grab the ghosts item and give it to them to receive the 2/3 key. All while avoiding traps, exploding lanterns, and of course the reaper himself.

~ This level is the most difficult due to hiding more traps and fewer hiding places. There are also more circles to get lost in and more confined spaces. This ghost is also the most difficult to find. 

  • The player must find 3rd ghost.

  • The player must find the door in the maze associated with the 3rd ghost.

  • The player must use the item ghost gave them to open the door and grab the ghosts item and give it to them to receive the 2/3 key. All while avoiding traps, exploding lanterns, and of course the reaper himself.

Level #0

Level #1

Level #3

Level #2



Iterations & playtests were essential for the creation of this game. Iterations allowed us to test different maps on players to get a better sense of the difficulty level. This game's focus is a maze and testing these levels allowed us to ensure the player did not get frustrated and give up while also not making it too easy.  It also informed us on places objects such as logs and traps could be placed to enhance or decrease the difficulty.

Design Process

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